Sunday, April 27, 2014

Introduction: The purpose of this blog

God put it on my heart to create this blog to show off His unfailing love and goodness that pursues me all the days of my life. I have been documenting it in my journal, but I believe the world needs to know that God is good and His love is unfailing, all day, everyday. And even Christians need to know greater levels of His unfailing love and goodness. What better way to do that than blogging about it? I want to use the gift He's given me of writing and desire to share what He's doing in my life to bring glory to Him and give people a better understanding of who He is. God has completely transformed my life with His endless pursuit of unfailing love and goodness in my life on a regular basis, and just when I think I've tasted and seen that God is good, He reveals to me how He is even better than I imagined! And there's more goodness and love that He desires to pour into me. The same is true for you, and I hope as you read the testimonies of His goodness and unfailing love in my life it will inspire you to keep your eyes and heart open to receive it for yourself. He knows each one of us so well and will cater to our unique love languages to ensure we know just how much He loves us.

Last week I was talking with a friend, and he was sharing with me how God remains true to His word regarding the promise in Psalm 23:6 for his life, too. He encouraged me by saying how he prays "God, let your kindness lead me to repentance so that I can change the way I think about you and show me just how good you are." He shared with me that crazy things happen to him all the time that pertain to this. In fact, the day I was with him, he said someone gave him a guitar. He told me that he continually receives gifts in various ways because God is continually showing him about His goodness. He released his testimony over me and I believed that I would receive an increase in the goodness and unfailing love of God after meeting with him, and exactly that happened. In fact, God told me to create a "Wish List" of things that I want but cannot have because I do not have the money for (as you can see on the right column of this blog). I literally received two items from that list in the last few days. I wanted a "Fearless Freedom" shirt, which is a clothing line a friend's friend created. I received not only one, but two, from my friend's cousin! Also on my wish list was a "We <3 Happy" shirt that Global Celebration sells. Georgian and Winnie Banov just spoke at my school (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry) last week, and I went to a conference they put on over the weekend. I've wanted the shirt since they wore them in class, but couldn't afford one. I thought I'd be able to have the money to purchase one at the conference, but unfortunately didn't. However, I told myself that if Georgian held one up to give away for free from the front of the stage, I would run up immediately to get it! So, before he could even explain what the shirt is all about, I was beside him and told him I wanted it for free and explained why. Then he gave it to me! And get this...the size he handed me was XL, but when I went to exchange it for a smaller size, there was only ONE shirt left in my size. Did you get that?!? That's how GOOD God is!!! He had one "We <3 Happy" shirt on reserve just for me, and gave me the desire of my heart. I also received a bunch of free gifts from someone else that weekend, simply because God's love is unfailing and His goodness pursues me all the days of my life. Stay tuned for more testimonies of the goodness and unfailing love of God to come!

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A simple documentation of the unfailing love and goodness that pursues me all the days of my life.